Truce in Gaza to commence on Friday

[ad_1] Truce in Gaza set to commence on Friday at 07:00, according to Qatar. Qatar has received the list of civilians to be released from Gaza. Qatar’s spokesperson expresses hope that the truce agreement will ultimately lead to a permanent ceasefire. This article was written by Greg Michalowski at [ad_2] لینک منبع : هوشمند

Israel refused to respond to a long truce requested by Hamas – report

[ad_1] It looks like the remainder of the day will be trading around vague headlines about a ceasefire of an indeterminate length and prisoner swap rumors/reports. The latest from Al Arabiya is that Israel wouldn’t discuss a long ceasefire. This is not something you want to be trading around. [ad_2] لینک منبع : هوشمند نیوز