00 GMT when EUR/GBP traded near 0.87.

Number of traders net-short has decreased by 7.82% from last week. SYMBOL TRADING BIAS NET-LONG% NET-SHORT% CHANGE IN LONGS CHANGE IN SHORTS CHANGE IN OI EUR/GBP BEARISH 50.15% 49.85% 1.22% Daily 9.21% Weekly -13.39% Daily -7.82% Weekly -6.63% Daily 0.00% Weekly of clients are net long. of clients are net short. Change in Longs Shorts

00 GMT when Germany 40 traded near 15,860.10.

Number of traders net-short has decreased by 20.26% from last week. SYMBOL TRADING BIAS NET-LONG% NET-SHORT% CHANGE IN LONGS CHANGE IN SHORTS CHANGE IN OI Germany 40 BEARISH 50.07% 49.93% 40.72% Daily 60.80% Weekly -16.90% Daily -20.26% Weekly 4.54% Daily 6.67% Weekly of clients are net long. of clients are net short. Change in Longs

00 GMT when France 40 traded near 7,344.90.

Number of traders net-short has decreased by 25.49% from last week. SYMBOL TRADING BIAS NET-LONG% NET-SHORT% CHANGE IN LONGS CHANGE IN SHORTS CHANGE IN OI France 40 BEARISH 50.49% 49.51% 72.58% Daily 61.40% Weekly -23.62% Daily -25.49% Weekly 6.29% Daily 2.32% Weekly of clients are net long. of clients are net short. Change in Longs

00 GMT when AUD/JPY traded near 94.15.

Number of traders net-short has increased by 9.13% from last week. SYMBOL TRADING BIAS NET-LONG% NET-SHORT% CHANGE IN LONGS CHANGE IN SHORTS CHANGE IN OI AUD/JPY BEARISH 50.65% 49.35% 15.92% Daily 22.63% Weekly -2.58% Daily 9.13% Weekly 5.99% Daily 15.58% Weekly of clients are net long. of clients are net short. Change in Longs Shorts