Config Sets for SMC OB v3.5 (MT4/MT5) These Config Set Files are based on optimization conducted on the symbol with the following settings parameteres: TimeFrame: M15 Data Model: Every Tick Based on real Ticks (NOT OHLC, with this we strive to make the data quality as close to real therefore we dont use OHLC) Deposit: $100,000.00 USD Leverage: 1:100 Optimization: Fast Genetic Based

II. Fundamental Knowledge Structural foundation: Estimating direction based on structure No matter how varied the form, structure breaks it all The role of structure in trading Supply and demand foundation: Supply and demand trading strategy based on structure Supply and demand trading strategy based on structure Directional expectations from structural breakthroughs Price trends are

III. Strategy Main Body Order Flow Strategy: Order Flow Strategy Basics Multi-timeframe structure Timeframe Breaker Chapter How to effectively read candlestick charts? Return to the origin Order Flow Strategy Basics Trend traders are keen on trading breakouts, assuming that the trend will continue and believing that they can buy at a high price and sell