Improvement Proposal 01 – Other – 29 July 2023

Reinstate a semi-affiliate program in the form of rating point rewards. Each user has an id by default which they are shown. If inbound traffic (1ip) to the site from that “id” results in a sale of a product or a signal within 24hours (any product or signal , not the one in the url) Improvement Proposal 02 – Other – 29 July 2023

A.Rating rewards ,destroy and improve Halt the drip of $ rewards for the rating points. The system that distributes rating points ,with or without Proposal 01 , would still be in place so you know what the distributed total would have been per week. That weekly amount (that you spend anyway already) is then distributed to the Improvement Proposal 03 – Other – 29 July 2023

The MQMGuard or the MetaQuotes Market Guard  For each product category a vendor can publish , add an additional one that is the category +With MQMGuard.For example “Expert advisor +MQMGuard”) What is the MQM Guard ? It is a “guarantee” that the product is lacking certain scam tricks and it is mostly what it claims