Baker Hughes US oil rig count 513 vs 512 prior

Gas rigs +1 It’s tough to see how US oil production is higher at the end of next year if this doesn’t turn around quickly. There is plenty of talk about discipline among US oil producers but $87 oil has a way of eroding that. This article was written by Adam Button at لینک

New Zealand GDT price index +2.7% vs -7.4% prior

GDT index +2.7% Whole milk powder +5.3% This is less of a market mover than it used to be as real estate became the driver of the New Zealand economy. This article was written by Adam Button at لینک منبع : هوشمند نیوز

Japan Jibun Bank August Services PMI 54.3 (prior 53.8)

Services: 54.3 Composite: 52.6 Flash reading here: Last week we had the final manufacturing number: Earlier from Japan, the biggest y/y drop in household spending since February of 2021: ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW Tags ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW Most Popular ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW لینک منبع :

Canada August S&P Global PMI 48.0 vs 49.6 prior

Canada PMI Prior was 49.6 Fourth month below 50 Lowest since June 2020 Fifth straight decline in new orders; lowest since March Full report Commenting on the latest survey results, Paul Smith, Economics Director at S&P Global Market Intelligence said: “Canada’s manufacturing sector continued to struggle during August, with output and new orders falling at

Saxony August CPI +6.8% vs +6.7% y/y prior

It truly is a mixed bag for the inflation readings for German states today. But considering the latest one from Saxony here, at the balance it suggests a slightly stronger than expected annual headline inflation reading at the national level. The estimate for the German CPI later is 6.0% y/y, down from 6.2% y/y previously.

UK August CBI trends total orders -15 vs -9 prior

UK factory output drops at its fastest rate in nearly 3 years with the net balance of output for the three months to August coming in at -19 from +3 in July, marking the lowest reading since September 2020. As order books are also deteriorating, it’s a gloomy outlook to say the least for the

Barclays slashed their China GDP forecast to 4.5% (prior 4.9%)

Barclays revised its projection for Chinese economic growth for this year to 4.5%, from 4.9%. For 2024 analysts at the bank project 4% GDP growth For the current quarter, Q3 2023, Barclays expects GDP at 3.5% As for the People’s Bank of China, the analysts expect an RRR cut of 25bp in the weeks ahead.

Switzerland July producer and import prices -0.1% vs 0.0% m/m prior

Prior 0.0% Producer and import prices -0.6% y/y Prior -0.6% Breaking it down, producer prices were flat on the month and it was import prices that proved to be a drag – falling by 0.4% in July. This article was written by Justin Low at لینک منبع : هوشمند نیوز