Dallas Fed October manufacturing index -19.2 vs -18.1 prior

[ad_1] Details: Output (production) +5.2 vs +7.9 prior New orders -8.8 vs -5.2 prior Employment +6.7 vs +13.6 prior Outlook -17.1 vs -17.5 prior Prices paid for raw materials +13.6 vs +25.0 prior Prices received -2.1 vs +1.8 prior Wages +24.4 vs +34.8 prior Comments in the report: Chemical manufacturing The Middle East situation has

October low of 1.2037 will be the key support level – MUFG

[ad_1] Share: Economists at MUFG Bank analyze GBP outlook ahead of the BoE announcement on Thursday. Weak economic activity The worsening economic data has been clear and will likely be clearly acknowledged by Governor Andrew Bailey in the press conference. We see this inevitable acknowledgement of weaker data and some evidence that the

North Rhine Westphalia October CPI +3.1% vs +4.2% y/y prior

[ad_1] That’s a notable drop in annual consumer prices for Germany’s industrial state. If paired with the Brandenburg reading from Friday, that could mean we should see a steeper drop than expected for the national reading later today. For some context, you can check this post here. This article was written by Justin Low at