New Zealand June Building Permits +3.5% m/m (prior -2.2%)

Building consents data from NZ for June 2023 rose 3.5% m/m prior -2.2% for the y/y, -12% For the quarter as a whole the picture is not so strong. The number of new homes consented in the June 2023 quarter was down 20% compared with the June 2022 quarter. Stats NZ: “The June 2023 quarter

South Korean June data: Industrial output -1% m/m (-0.3% expected)

Data from South Korea for June 2023 Industrial output -1% m/m Industrial output -5.6% y/y Service sector output is +0.5% m/m Retail sales also up, 1% m/m – Mixed signals from the SK economy. The country is often referred to as a bellwether for the global economy. . لینک منبع : هوشمند نیوز

US June pending home sales +0.3% vs -0.5% expected

US pending home sales Prior was -2.7% Index 76.8 vs 76.5 prior This is a decent forward-looking indicator and a nice rebound after a poor number in May. I think it’s clear that there are people who want to buy homes, it’s just that inventories of homes for sale are very low and mortgage rates

Canada June Ivey PMI 53.4 در مقابل 53.5 قبلی

قبل 53.5 بود تنظیم غیر فصلی در مقایسه با 60.1 قبلی Ivey PMI یک شاخص اقتصادی ضعیف است. دلار کانادا امروز قوی تر شده است زیرا بازار به سمت افزایش در هفته آینده می رود و قیمت آن 66 درصد است. نفت همچنین به حفظ پیشنهاد در لونی کمک می کند و ریسک اشتها در

Settings for Limiting Trading By PRICES – Other – 23 June 2023

<<   Back to the General Section with a description of the settings Settings for Limiting Trading By PRICES (this section may be progressively refined) This section describes the EA settings that allow you to trade based on control price points. These features are available for Expert Advisors above the Elastic Grid level (inclusive), which implement the