WTI Rangebound as Demand Concerns Resurface. $80 a Barrel Incoming?

OIL PRICE FORECAST: Oil Slips on Demand Fears as US Exports and Imports are on a Steady Decline. Middle East Tensions Ease but Geopolitical Risk Remains and Will Keep Markets on Edge Moving Forward. IG Client Sentiment Shows Traders are 76% Net-Long on WTI at Present. To Learn More About Price Action, Chart Patterns and

WTI crude oil extends above $87 per barrel

Crude oil prices surge today The price of WTI crude oil is extending above the $87 level to a high of $87.37. Oil prices have surged today following the U.S.’s enhancement of sanctions against Russian crude exports, amplifying supply anxieties in an already constrained market. The U.S. targeted tankers carrying Russian oil priced above the